County Board of Zoning Appeals denies application for Swallowtail solar development

Photo provided A graphic from Swallowtail Solar LLC and its parent company Arevon Energy Inc. showing designated area for its solar project.

COLUMBUS, Ind. — After nearly five hours of testimony, the Bartholomew County Board of Zoning Appeals voted 3-1 refusing to allow a commercial solar energy system in Clay and Flat Rock townships.

BZA member Eric Scheidt made the motion to deny a conditional use approval to Arevon Energy to construct the Swallowtail solar project on 1,192 acres spread across 21 properties.

Scheidt said the proposal goes against the first goal of the Bartholomew County Comprehensive Plan, which is to “preserve productive farm land and maintain the productive capacity for a strong county agricultural community.

The motion was approved by Scheidt and two other BZA members, David Flohr and Roger Glick.

Board member Arnold Haskell sided with the recommendation of city/county planners to approve the request. A fifth BZA member, Mike Speaker, cited a conflict of interest and abstained from discussions and voting.

More than 130 residents crowded into the Cal Brand meeting room of Columbus City Hall for the meeting, while a dozen or so more watched the proceeding within the city council chambers overflow area.

This story will be updated.

For full coverage, see Wednesday’s Republic.