Around Town – July 24

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

July 24

Orchids to

President Biden who is a defender of the Constitution and a public servant of honor and grace at a time when extreme forces threaten the nation.

Dave and Austin Clark and Ian Smith and Kaffienated Kabaret for their wonderful music during worship and Vacation Bible School, from Fairlawn Presbyterian Church.

the honorable statement about President Joe Biden bowing out made by former VP Mike Pence, which is driving the MAGA crowd absolutely bonkers.

the candidate who was shot and is risking his life for us.

Onions to

saying you take full responsibility for something when you know nothing will happen to you.

the people responsible for hiding the mental capacity of the existing administration.

folks who think 14 million votes have been negated, we voted for the team we wanted, you still back a felon.

law enforcement for posting insensitive accident photos involving a tragic death.

the agency head who couldn’t or wouldn’t answer simple questions during her congressional testimony.

people that try to take care of everybody else’s families except for hers.

Happy Birthday to

James Weddle, from Grandma Weddle.