Free Family Fun on the Farm event Saturday

Historical reminiscing is hardly just for the magical memories.

For the Bartholomew County Historical Society, yesterday sheds light on society’s perspective on today.

Diane Robbins, the society’s executive director, believes that about life in the early 1900s — the time frame of activities for the society’s free “Family Fun On the Farm” event from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the historic Henry Breeding Farm, 13730 N. County Road 100W near Edinburgh.

“This shares with people some things that are a lost art, and details about how things were made years ago,” Robbins has said more than once. “Back then, if families needed something, they didn’t just get up and go the store. … They obviously couldn’t just Google how to make a nail.”

The farm and farmhouse are more than 100 years old.

Families can enjoy the following: hit-and-miss engines in operation, spinning and weaving, Simmons one-room schoolhouse with games, the Yellow Trail Museum, blacksmiths, South Central Indiana Master Gardeners, reenactors, candle dipping, and pull the wagon. Hands-on crafts include making corn husk dolls, butter making and block printing.

This free event is made possible by a grant from Landmark Farms Foundation.

In case of heavy rain, the event will be cancelled. Updated information on Saturday will be available at

The Bartholomew County Historical Society museum is located at 524 Third St. in downtown Columbus.

The mission of the historical society is to collect and preserve Bartholomew County artifacts, photographs, and documents. Through interpretive programs and displays, the historical society teaches the heritage of this area’s region to enrich both present and future generations.

Also part of its focus is this reminder on its promotional materials: “Our goal is that we may know know who we are today based on where we came from yesterday.”