Around Town – July 27

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

July 27

Orchids to

HK Auto service for your excellent hard work, we appreciate you.

illegal border crossings being lower right now than they were when the former elected official left office.

Matt Buzzard for all you do for me, from a grateful friend.

the zoning board for denying the solar project.

Onions to

the people who take advantage of the school supplies.

black SUV on Marr Road with the wall- and window-rattling bass going by all hours of the day.

the former elected official who put Putin and other dictators on a pedestal, and sees himself along side of them.

plea agreements letting repeat criminals off the hook.

the local day care owner asking families to now “donate” or “fundraise” more money for a new playground when a mid-year tuition raise was to pay for it.

whoever is responsible for cutting the grass in the ditch on Deaver Road and around the old airport at Walesboro.

politicians and their media allies who are going back and scrubbing or changing references to their favorite candidate.

Happy Birthday to

Linda Johnson, from friends at Bethel Baptist Church.

Happy Belated Birthday to

Jimmy Baker, from your parents and all the people at Eagle Group.