New local ministry leading outreach today at Pence Street Park

Michael P. Swan of Michigan, scheduled to bring a supply of free toiletries today to an outreach at Pence Street Park, is shown at a previous event.

Photo provided

Carl Petro has been where some of the struggling are currently.

On the street in a homeless encampment. Addicted. Or in jail or prison.

The Columbus resident, former barber, and current concrete worker wants people to know that Jesus cares about their plight. Right where they are, even if they seem to be squarely in the wrong place.

“I just tell people, ‘God loves you,’” Petro said. “He doesn’t care about your status.”

Petro will relay some of that message when he greets people and speaks to them at noon today, rain or shine, at an informal outreach of his and wife Toni Brown’s new Hit the Streets For Jesus ministry at Pence Street Park shelterhouse on the east side of Columbus. There will be live music from 12-year-old female singer Danny Emily, and free toiletries and snacks from Michigan’s Michael P. Swan, a domestic missionary with The Destiny Group — and one who has been to Columbus a number of times recently.

Volunteers Natalie and Gilbert Emily are home cooking for maybe 50 or more people, with organizers preparing to pick up pizza if the crowd is larger.

At a recent event, the Emilys prepared shish kabobs.

“They’re high on personally preparing good, healthy foods,” Petro said.

Today’s menu was uncertain earlier this week.

But Petro is positive that acceptance and comfort are on the agenda of today’s gathering.

“When I tell people about God’s love, they’re usually right on it,” Petro said of their openness to such a message. “I think a lot of them can relate to me.”

Petro, who came clean from alcohol and drugs, used to do recreational drugs with a lot of his spiritual audience. For a time, he lived with them, too.

“Ideally, I want to see as many people as possible get saved,” he said, referring to a Christian commitment. “They simply need to know that all God wants is for them to surrender to him, and to be willing surrender daily.”

Petro and Brown remain a part of the local Simple Street ministry that began last year at Pence Street Park. He said that each ministry has the same goal, with a slightly different background. Petro and Brown are especially reaching out to those who have been addicted or incarcerated.

“I just want people to come to this (today) and to feel loved on,” Petro said. “We already have seen a lot of the homeless come previously (to similar gatherings).”

Petro still understands hardship. He is open about the fact that spouse Brown is undergoing treatment for Stage 4 lung cancer. So he is caring for her. And still making time for others, too.

“I know that she is in very good hands,” he said. “And we both know that the man upstairs is on our side.”

Swan said he has been passionate about reaching the struggling ever since he felt the Holy Spirit was inwardly speaking to him more than 30 years ago about a life calling that includes “extravagant giving to the poor.”

His goal today will be very basic, as he put it, when he takes the microphone briefly. He probably will give away some of his books, if people are interested, and he will focus people on the future of the local outreach.

“I hope to bring encouragement, and I hope to bring God’s empowerment,” Swan said. “I’m coming there to support Carl and his work. He’s the one with his feet on the ground there.”

Swan hopes people can offer Hit the Streets for Jesus whatever support is needed. He sees ministry beyond church walls as hugely important in a world in which some of the hurting may be intimidated by houses of worship.

“I have many more encounters for Christ in the streets and the parks than I do within the churches,” Swan said. “Jesus said that he came for the sick, not the physician.”

About the event

What: Hit the Streets for Jesus free outreach with live music, food, toiletries and a message.

When: Noon today, rain or shine.

Where: Pence Street Park shelterhouse.

Information: Facebook page for Hit the Streets for Jesus.