Looking Back – Aug. 2

H.G. Schepman, of Columbus, holds up a homegrown tomato that looks like it’s wearing glasses on Aug. 2, 1974.

From The Republic archives


Columbus native Lt. Col. Joe Swaim, who commanded the 560th Red Horse Squadron in Charleston, S.C., returned from his deployment in Qatar, Kuwait, Afghanistan and the United Arab Emirates as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. Swaim took a Columbus city flag, the Indiana State flag and a Purdue University flag with him and hung them in his office in the quarters for the Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineers units.


Regulars at Olympia at 25th Street and Home Avenue were carrying on the tradition of the Fourth Street Philosophical Society, which met at the Palms Cafe years before. Topics the group discussed included local and national events.


The Youth Choir and Orchestra of Huddersfield, England, performed at The Commons and the Columbus East High School auditorium. The group was welcomed by Mayor Max Andress; Burdell Sell, director of the Driftwood Valley Arts Council; Robert Muckler of the Chamber of Commerce, and Henry Schacht, president of Cummins Engine Co.