Letter: Focus on personal growth more than presidential race

From: Ant Blair


Want to transform society? Start with yourself instead of your presidential candidate. Better outcomes are achieved by redirecting energy from presidential candidates to personal growth.

To all of you out there sharing social media posts, buying bumper stickers, flying flags, hating on people, and rallying for this or that presidential candidate — this is for you.

What if you took all that energy and enthusiasm and invested it in yourself instead of in presidential candidates who honestly don’t care about you?

History has repeatedly shown that those in power often prioritize their interests over the needs of the “common” person.

Consider these examples:

  1. The Flint Water Crisis (2014-present): Despite early warnings, officials failed to act, leading to widespread lead contamination and a public health disaster. Political neglect had devastating consequences for Flint residents, particularly children.
  2. Hurricane Katrina Response (2005): The federal government’s slow and inadequate response to Hurricane Katrina exacerbated the disaster’s impact, especially in New Orleans, disproportionately affecting the city’s poor and African American residents.
  3. The Great Depression (1930s): President Herbert Hoover’s initial response was largely ineffective, leaving millions to suffer. Substantial relief came only in the New Deal, driven by mass mobilization and demand, which showcases how political leaders often react too late or inadequately.

Imagine what you could accomplish if you redirected even half of the energy you put toward your candidate toward your personal growth.

What changes could you make in your life? How could you improve your situation? How could you grow your family? How could you improve your community?

The possibilities are endless.

Instead of pouring your energy into supporting individuals who don’t have your best interests at heart, channel it into your development and feel hopeful — not hopeless about the future.

The power to change your life is in your hands. Don’t give your power away. Develop it.

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. Political endorsement letters are published with a $25 fee. They may be submitted to [email protected].