Looking Back – Aug. 3

Bill Hilderbrand, 18, left, and Jay Cox, 16, hold a 36½-inch-long eel Hilderbrand caught on Aug. 3, 1974, in the Driftwood River.

From The Republic archives


The Donner Park Variety Show, emceed by Harry McCawley and co-sponsored by Kiwanis Club and AM 1010 WCSI, took place at the Donner Park Shelterhouse. The show featured Tony London, Kincer Kays, the Eddelman singers and the Indy Dazzlers.


Retired pomologist Ben Sproat of Columbus was busy tending to the garden in his backyard on California Street, which was filled with tropical-looking flowers and plants. Sproat’s garden was particularly known for its bright pink hibiscus and Shasta daisies.


Dr. L.G. McAllister, professor of modern church history at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, spoke at North Christian Church about his time spent in Mexico studying disciple mission stations. Dr. McAllister also discussed his book, “Alexander Campbell at Glasgow University.”