Looking Back – Aug. 6

Director Harold Newcombe conducts the Youth Orchestra of Huddersfield, England, during an afternoon concert at The Commons on Aug. 6, 1974, while area residents listen. Members were visiting Columbus as part of a concert tour of the United States.

From The Republic archives


Laurie Booher of Columbus raced in the Columbus Challenge Triathlon with her son, Collin, at her side. Suffering from spina bifida, Collin was pulled behind Laurie in an inflatable kayak and pushed in a wheelchair.


The Camp Atterbury Military Museum was dedicated in a ceremony at the Veterans Memorial near the camp’s main entrance. The museum provided a look at the history of the facility, from the time it trained thousands of GIs in World War II, to the present.


City tournaments for playground activities were sponsored by the Columbus Department of Parks and Recreation and ended with a watermelon party. Mary Ingellis took the city four-square championship, Lisa Ingellis won playground checkers, Roger Lowe won the paddleball tournament and Roger Nicholas won in knock-hockey.