Letter: A reality check ahead of the 2024 general election

From: Scott Keen


What is reality? Given social media’s constant stream of baloney and Russian propaganda, it’s hard to tell.

Well, reality is that the US is beset with first world problems. Americans gripe about the high price of gas while driving giant vehicles, the high energy costs to run their giant homes, and the high cost of food while multitudes inject diabetes drugs to stop overeating.

But if you were born in the US, you have already won the lottery. The UN estimates 25,000 people starve to death outside the US every day. Only 18% of the world’s population owns a car and 60% of the world has no indoor plumbing. American life is the envy of the world. Let’s get some perspective.

However, one party would change that.

Reality: Immigrants made America. Look at workers burying cable, building houses, and nursing our ill. If Republicans “mass deport” immigrants, the US economy, doing very well by the way, will tank in days. In fact, let’s bring some immigrants to Indiana to enjoy Hoosier hospitality! We really need workers. Unfortunately, Republicans enjoy complaining about the problem, but don’t support a solution.

Reality: The Affordable Care Act and Medicare are highly effective and popular, extending healthcare to millions. Republicans want to take that away. Their classy candidate recently tweeted “Obamacare sucks!!!”, but offers no alternative. They want to kill Medicare through privatized programs like the fraud-ridden, services-denying, profit-driven insurance called Medicare Advantage. (Fact: It’s not Medicare!)

Reality: Social Security is essential to seniors, who depend on it to provide a dignified existence at the end of their lives. Not long ago, poor seniors had to choose between heat or food or medicine. People died. Workers and employers contribute to these programs for years, with workers anticipating an earned benefit at retirement. But Republicans have fever-dreamed of killing this lifeline since its inception.

Reality: Republicans disrespect women, having legislated them into second class citizenship after 50 years. Their candidate brags that he killed Roe v. Wade. Now, 10-year old girls, eligible for the fifth grade and Junior Girl Scouts, will be required to bear their rapist’s baby. Frozen embryos have rights, while the mother’s life doesn’t even matter. Because “Christian” nationalist white men say so.

Reality: Republicans believe and openly proclaim that women (“childless cat ladies”) and dark skinned people, even highly qualified ones, are inferior “DEI hires”, with no actual abilities equal to those of a white man. That reeks of misogynistic white supremacy.

Reality: One party is a cult. Their defeated and deluded leader is a self admitted, court adjudicated woman abuser (“grab them by the …”), serial adulterer, business and charity fraud, insurrectionist, and notorious liar. He’s so much like Jesus it’s no wonder Christian Republicans adore him!

Unfortunately, we are a self absorbed and apathetic public, watching TikTok videos as the world burns, women struggle and America is steered into the rocks. Yet we still elect these cruel, vapid, self-righteous politicians.

Now that is unreal.

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. Political endorsement letters are published with a $25 fee. They may be submitted to [email protected].