Letter: Duke customers speak out, support renewable energy

From: David Wildemann


Many readers may be aware that Duke Energy Indiana submitted a rate increase to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) in April. Estimates by Citizens Action Coalition show that the increase for residential electric rates is more than 30%. At the same time, Duke is also going through their Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) process. The process happens every three years and describes how utilities plan to provide power for the next 20 years.

So far, Duke continues to delay the retirement of several coal power plants despite the fact their Gibson and Edwardsport coal plants are losing customers millions of dollars every year. Much of the rate increase requested by Duke is driven by their investments in coal-fired electricity. Essentially, Duke is asking their customers to pay for their continued reliance on unprofitable and polluting coal. Having attended one of the public hearings on the rate case, with about 200 other Duke customers, and participating in all the public IRP meetings to date, the message from the public was loud and clear. Public input during the IRP meetings heavily favored Duke moving away from coal and investing in less expensive renewable energy.

Many states and other utilities in Indiana are way ahead of Duke in moving to renewable energy. Testimony during the rate case hearing repeatedly highlighted the significant effect of a 30% rate increase on customer budgets and how it would be especially challenging for low- and fixed-income customers who can least afford the increase.

I urge Duke and the IURC to act on customer input to prioritize affordability and renewable energy. Customers should not have to pay more for Duke’s continued reliance on coal. Customers interested in submitting written comments on the Duke Energy rate case (Cause No. 46038) can do so until Aug. 22, 2024, via the Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) website, www.in.gov/oucc/contact-us/.