Around Town – Aug. 27

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Aug. 27

Orchids to

Robert Kennedy Jr. for upholding true democratic values.

Onions to

people who pull out in front of other cars and don’t speed up. It’s rude and dangerous.

those OK with their candidate using “hate speech” but getting upset at the opposition for being forthright and truthful.

the unbelievable lack of knowledge of if you give a church to a government-run organization, it’s against the law to display a cross, and then have the nerve to blame others for your ignorance.

the political party so desperate to win back the White House, they choose to ignore the lies, chaos, abuse of power, and discontent which was inherent with the term of the previous president.

the letter writer that is a bit late figuring out when you give your beloved architectural property away, you don’t have a right to complain about what color they paint the garage door.

health care office that has two managers and neither knows how to do their job.

the federal reserve decision to cut the interest rate right before a election.

no presence ever of law enforcement on the Marr Road race track.

almost invisible left turn arrow at 17th and Marr which needs more than one arrow at the very turn.

rude irony of Dumpster parked in front of a residence on a yellow curb adjacent to a non-parking area.

the charade on parade during the blue political convention.

so much anger and deceit from the party of love.

Happy Birthday to

Felicia Dawn Conrad, with much love from Stephen.