Looking Back – Aug. 28

Bricks from the steeple of the Four Seasons Retirement Center’s chapel surround Assistant Administrator Mrs. John Doty on Aug. 28, 1974. Lightning struck the tower early in the day but no injuries were reported.

From The Republic archives


Turning Point Domestic Violence Services was gifted more than $5,000 in food, gift cards and cash after agency President Lisa Shafran asked the public for help. A check for $1,500 was donated from women’s Madison Correctional Facility, with some of the money coming from their own money and the facility’s store profits.


A Y2K workshop was held at First Lutheran Church, with city officials, the Columbus Police Department, Columbus Regional Hospital, local banks, utilities, and other local businesses in attendance. The workshop discussed advice on how to ready computer systems to handle the expected year 2000 glitches.


Columbus city and Bartholomew County officials and members of the humane society toured the new Bartholomew County Humane Society animal shelter off South Gladstone Avenue during an invitational preview. The shelter was the first one the society ever had, as they previously relied on volunteers to care for the animals.