Master gardeners plan seed-storing program

The South Central Indiana Master Gardener Association (SCIMGA) will present “Collecting, Drying & Storing Native Seeds” at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 10, in the Bartholomew County Public Library’s Red Room on the lower level of the library. The event is open to the public.

Speaker and advanced master gardener Bill Daniels retired in 2019 from a work-life spent primarily in horticulture and environmental, health and safety, and now spends much of his time procuring, processing and propagating native plant seeds. In addition to being the Indiana Native Seed Communities Program Leader, he helps with the Monroe County-Identify and Reduce Invasive Species Fall Native Plant Sale and Sycamore Land Trust’s Native Plant Nursery.

In this presentation, Daniels invites attendees to join him to learn about Indiana Native Plant Society’s exciting project, Indiana Native Seed Communities. Those attending will learn about the project’s scope and the many resources it offers on how to propagate native plant seeds. Daniels also provides a primer on growing natives from seed, focused on collecting, processing and sowing them.

SCIMGA is the local chapter of Purdue Extension Master Gardeners and hosts public events and educational sessions throughout the year in the Columbus area. For more information about SCIMGA, visit or the Facebook for SCIGMA.