Around Town – Sept. 10

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Sept. 10

Orchids to

the Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Department for doing a great job locking down and protecting our young kids and staff at Rockcreek School from the possibility of a gunfire threat to this great little school. You do this county proud! from a grateful grandma.

Scott Keen for his right on target letter.

Michael in the Kroger meat department for having such a great, awesome, helpful attitude. Very much appreciated.

Scott Keen and his letter on Saturday.

Onions to

individuals who have problems with books thinking they speak for the community.

what our town has become.

the county political party for not having a booth or any representation at the Columbus Pride Festival.

politicians who sit idly by and do nothing to fix the future solvency of our Social Security system.

people that tear open trash bags to see if there is anything they want, leaving me to rebag everything at a cost of my money and time.

the four candidates who wear boxing gloves.

the impatient Mustang driver behind me on Saturday who honked at me and gave me the finger for yielding to oncoming traffic at a roundabout on Taylor Road.