Republic named top non-daily newspaper in the state

Republic photo Republic staff members, left-right, Brad Davis, Ted Schulz, Mark Webber, Dave Stafford, Ray Niedbalski, Mike Wolanin, James Pence, Megan Stafford and Julie McClure are shown with Hoosier State Press Assocaition’s Blue Ribbon plaque and the award for General Excellence for newspapers in Division 2.

The Republic was named the top non-daily newspaper in Indiana Friday by The Hoosier State Press Association, receiving the Blue Ribbon award at HSPA’s Better Newspaper Contest Friday.

Judges base this highest accolade of the HSPA Foundation Better Newspaper Contest on an overall evaluation of the editorial quality of the newspaper. The Blue Ribbon Award honors one daily and one non-daily newspaper, regardless of circulation size.

Special consideration is given to depth of coverage, quality of reporting, copy editing, news judgment, content balance, general appearance, originality, reader interest and overall professionalism, according to HSPA.

The honor came after The Republic also received the general excellence award for non-daily newspapers in Division 2, signifying the paper won the most awards based on a points system in its division of non-dailies with a circulation of 1,500 and up.

In individual honors, Republic reporter Andy East took a special honor, receiving the Nina Mason Pulliam Environmental Journalism Award for his reporting on PFAs contamination found in a Columbus city well. East receives a $1,000 cash prize for winning the award.

Republic staffers also won multiple first-, second- and third-place awards for reporting, writing and photography. Members of the Alabama Press Association judged content published between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024.

Honored staffers include:

First place:

Best business/economic news coverage: Andy East, for a story about Columbus potentially recruiting competitors for local businesses as tenants at NexusPark.

Best in-depth feature or feature package: Andy East, for stories about Columbus testing its well field for contamination.

Best short feature story: Brian Blair, for “Refined in the fire,” a story about a family’s faith being strengthened despite a devastating fire that destroyed their home.

Best special section: Staff, for the Mill Race Marathon.

Best multiple picture group: Mike Wolanin, for photos of the one-room schoolhouse in Hope.

Best sports action photo: Mike Wolanin, for a photo of the rodeo at the Bartholomew County Fair.

Best feature photo: Mike Wolanin, for a photo of a graduate during graduation entitled “Silhouetted Solitude”

Second place:

Best in-depth feature or feature package: Andy East, for “Triggered: Law enforcement worries about gun violence.”

Best business/economic news coverage: Andy East and Jana Wiersema, for a story on the county’s housing trends.

Headline writing: Staff, for a selection of headlines including “Pretty in pawn,” “Organizers close the books on ‘The Dictionary Project’ ” and “So Help Me Dog.”

Best sports event coverage: Ted Schultz, for the Columbus North girls 4×800 relay team winning the state championship.

Best multiple picture group: Mike Wolanin, for photos accompanying Brian Blair’s story on a family’s faith being strengthened despite a devastating fire that destroyed their home.

Best website: Staff, for its work at

Best special section: Staff, for the “Salute” section.

Third place:

Best business/economic news coverage: Andy East and Dave Stafford, for a story on recalculating Columbus’ downtown future after the announcement that Cummins would sell two buildings.

Best general news photo: Mike Wolanin, for a photo of adoption day at the Bartholomew County Courthouse.

Best sports feature photo: Mike Wolanin for a photo of the North soccer team scoring a goal.

Best feature photo: Mike Wolanin for a photo of Columbus police officers tutoring BCSC students.

Best portrait: Mike Wolanin for a photo of a Columbus boxer.