Letter: Clear choice for November election from a Republican for Harris

From: Judy McCormick


I proudly display a “Republicans for Harris” sign in my yard. For once, I am praying the Democratic choice, Kamala Harris, will be the winner in this Republican state! It was done in 2008 for Barack Obama, and can be done again in this election because we really don’t have a choice, in my opinion.

The main argument I have heard from my Republican friends who say they would vote for Donald Trump is they agree more with his “policies,” (despite the fact they don’t respect him as a person who is a liar, bully, delusional, and dangerous!)

I contend his “policies” are also delusional. Number one — the economy. I contend the economy is doing just fine — consumer prices are under control; new jobs have been created, the stock market is at an all-time high and we have a brilliant Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, who has been doing great things in advancing our economic and national security.

Number two — immigration. I contend this issue is finally under control after an initial disastrous failure under the Biden administration, and, would have been greatly helped had Donald Trump not impeded the Biden-proposed bill from being passed, which would have given more resources to enforce the laws we already have in place. What a disgrace he used his influence, not to help solve the problem, but to help him win in November! This alone shows, as so many other things he’s said and done, that the only thing he really cares about is himself and winning, hence confirming his narcissistic personality.

Number three — foreign policy. Donald Trump says he can “fix” all the issues we currently have with the war in the Middle East and end the war in Ukraine even before he takes office. Really? And how would he plan to do that — yes, by trying to “make a deal” with Putin by letting him have some of Ukraine, in exchange for the cessation of the war. This is his strategy with all the foreign leaders, as well as with the terrorist groups around the world — make “deals” with them. I’m sorry, but the United States should not bow down and make deals with any world leader or terrorist organization who murders others for power and territory!

Lastly — abortion, which has been a travesty of injustice thanks to Donald Trump. What a stupid idea to leave a woman’s decision for her body up to legislation in each state, when clearly the majority of people in this country were content with the law of the land — Roe v. Wade — where each woman could make this decision for herself.

So, to be clear, Donald Trump’s “policies” are no better than his narcissistic, immoral and weak character, so, please fellow Republicans, do the right thing this November — vote Democratic this time! And, by the Grace of God, the vote will be by a landslide, so the radical Republicans cannot whine that the election was stolen!

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. Political endorsement letters are published with a $25 fee. They may be submitted to [email protected].