City invests in engineering services for an updated downtown stormwater master plan project

City officials approved an agreement with Strand Associates to provide engineering services for an updated downtown stormwater master plan project.

The Columbus Board of Public Works and Safety on Tuesday approved the agreement totaling $97,500, which will come out of the city engineering budget.

The city’s downtown stormwater master plan had last been updated in 1992, City Engineer Andrew Beckort told board members.

Strand will be looking to study an area generally bounded by 25th Street, Central Avenue, Haw Creek and the Flatrock River, according to a copy of the agreement.

The updated study will make recommendations for capital improvements, maintenance and generally evaluate if things proposed back in 1992 are still needed.

In addition, Beckort said Strand “will give us a list of projects and costs that we can try to budget for the future.”

Beckort estimated the study itself will likely be completed sometime in March. The agreement states that Strand is to fufill the responsibilities outlined in it by March 14.