Letter: Vote for Loyd supports students, teachers

From: Timothy Loyd


As a lifelong resident of Bartholomew County and a grandpa to two (and counting) students in BCSC, the upcoming school board election is very important to me, as it should be to all living in the BCSC school district.

Whittney Loyd is my daughter-in-law and the obvious choice for District 3. I was very surprised to recently find out that almost 50% of the students in BCSC qualify for free and reduced lunch. Almost half of our students are needing help in getting lunch daily.

Whittney has worked with many families who probably fall under this number. Her experience with United Way and Turning Point have proven that she wants to serve the at-risk population in our county. If elected I know she will advocate for all students regardless of their status.

Whittney has also said she supports the referendum for teacher pay and school safety.

This is a continuation of what taxpayers pay, nothing more. Columbus public safety workers went without competitive pay increases from about 1996 to 2016. Following those years, Columbus saw a large number of out public safety workers flee to surrounding counties in search of higher pay. Teachers will go searching for a higher salary and a community who supports them. As my grandchildren grow up in this community, I want to see BCSC retain the best teachers so my grandkids can have the best education.

A vote for Loyd in November is a vote for every student and teacher in Columbus.

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. Political endorsement letters are published with a $25 fee. They may be submitted to [email protected].