Letter: Family supports Theile, Ison and Glick

From: Brenda and Michael Clark


Our family supports David Theile, Samantha Ison and Tom Glick for school board.

Our family has had major issues with threats and bullies within the local schools. I am beyond frustrated with the entire system.

We had to take a grandson out of public school and enroll him in private school due to death threats. A granddaughter had her pants and underwear pulled down to her ankles in gym class with both male and female students. Nothing has ever been done to the other children. This is only a few things that have happened. It appears the current administration and board does not care about student and teachers safety, with the exception of Jason Major and Logan Schulz.

The current board is all about spending taxpayer dollars on architectural Taj Mahals. Buildings do not teach children, our teachers do. Buildings are just structures. We need board members who will keep spending in line and not be automatic yes votes for everything the school board wants.

Please keep the safety and security of all students, teachers and staff on your mind when you vote. Please vote for David Theile, Tom Glick, and Samantha Ison for school board.

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. Political endorsement letters are published with a $25 fee. They may be submitted to [email protected].