Tell state to stop bobcat trapping

From: Tammy Pace


I am writing to inform others about the current and proposed trapping of bobcats in Indiana. The proposal to allow hundreds of native bobcats to be persecuted during a trapping and snaring season in Indiana is both unnecessary and cruel.

Bobcats are a shy, elusive, and ecologically important species, and their population in Indiana is just starting to recover after nearly being wiped out. Trapping and snaring are inhumane methods that cause prolonged suffering, often injuring animals for hours or even days before the trapper arrives to kill them. These methods also risk capturing unintended wildlife, pets, and working animals, leading to widespread harm.

We should be proud of the wildlife that has made a comeback in recent years. Why revert to cruel, outdated practices when there are far more humane and scientifically sound methods of managing wildlife?

Indiana has a chance to set a precedence and prioritize conservation over killing. Please tell the Natural Resources Commission to adopt a trapping “quota” of zero bobcats, through their Rulemaking Docket webpage. The link is: