County council district 2 preview grids and bios

[sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”Laura DeDomenic – grid” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

Several inmate outbursts have occurred at the Bartholomew County Jail and in county courtrooms during the past year. What can be done to reduce such conflict in public buildings and create a safer environment? Would you hire more jail staff?

The jail overpopulation has several contributing factors including the opioid crisis, as well as the requirement by the state to house Level 6 felons locally. The safety of our employees is critical. I will evaluate recommendations and requests from our sheriff regarding staff required to maintain a safe environment.

There have been increasing instances of female Bartholomew County Jail inmates who are concealing drugs in body cavities to sneak contraband into the jail. Would you support purchase of screening equipment to limit this from occurring?

I support purchasing equipment to body-scan all people entering our jail. Drugs and other contraband contribute to situations which are dangerous to Bartholomew County employees, other professionals and inmates themselves. I support using available technology to create a safe environment for our employees and the professionals working at the jail.

Do you support the idea of utilizing a renovated part of the old jail as a treatment center for inmates? If so, should the county foot that bill? The city? Other sources? Combinations?

I support developing a solution for treating inmates that suffer from addictions. I believe this is a community issue and the cost should be shared among the community, first looking at grants, state and federal funding, community partners and treatment providers, and then look at funding from the county.

Are tax abatements an effective incentive to encourage businesses to locate or expand in areas of the county outside Columbus?

I support tax abatements as a tool for business retention and expansion. It is much easier the keep the businesses in Bartholomew County here than it is to recruit new businesses to our area.

[sc:pullout-text-end][sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”Glenn Petri – grid” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

Several inmate outbursts have occurred at the Bartholomew County Jail and in county courtrooms during the past year. What can be done to reduce such conflict in public buildings and create a safer environment? Would you hire more jail staff?

This is a matter for law enforcement to address. If changes are necessary and more staff is needed, it should be part of the budget request submitted. Those departments need to look at their budgets and make changes as needed.

There have been increasing instances of female Bartholomew County Jail inmates who are concealing drugs in body cavities to sneak contraband into the jail. Would you support purchase of screening equipment to limit this from occurring?

If the Bartholomew County Jail needs this, the administration should make a case for it. The council should look for the most cost-efficient way to obtain what is needed, either lease or purchase equipment with competitive bids.

Do you support the idea of utilizing a renovated part of the old jail as a treatment center for inmates? If so, should the county foot that bill? The city? Other sources? Combinations?

I would want to hear from those who would provide the treatments if this is the best location for it. Who should pay for it? Those who require treatment or their insurance provider.

Are tax abatements an effective incentive to encourage businesses to locate or expand in areas of the county outside Columbus?

Tax abatements are part of the package to encourage businesses to locate here and expand here. It is not the only incentive. An educated workforce, competitive tax rate and less government interference are also part of the package.

[sc:pullout-text-end][sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”Laura DeDomenic” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

Political Party: Republican

Age: 53

Residence: Columbus

Occupation: Resource and philanthropy director, Mill Race Center.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration – Information Technology, University of Cincinnati, 1986.

Previous offices held: Bartholomew County Council, 2015 – present; council president, 2017.

Community involvement: Columbus Rotary Club treasurer; Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce; Greater Columbus Economic Development Board; Bartholomew County Board of Health; formerly on Computer and Data Processing Board; Redevelopment Commission; Alliance for Substance Abuse Progress (ASAP) in Bartholomew County; Ivy Tech College of Business board; SCORE business mentor; Republican Ladies League president; St. Bartholomew Catholic Church; Moose lodge, Ladies of the Moose Audit Committee; Women’s Giving Circle; former member of Columbus Service League; Leadership Bartholomew County Collaboration through Leadership, 2014; Ball State Economic Development Course, 2015.

Immediate family: Two sons and one daughter

[sc:pullout-text-end][sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”Glenn Petri” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

Political Party: Republican

Age: 68

Residence: Columbus

Occupation: Semi-retired, work part-time for Salt Creek Trading Co.

Education: Bachelor of Arts, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 1973

Previous offices held: None

Previous offices sought: Columbus City Council at-large, 2011.

Community involvement: Columbus Area Railroad Club, board member.

Immediate family: Widower; one daughter, one son
