MKSK selected to help define future of FairOaks Mall and Donner Center

The FairOaks Community Development Corp. Board on Tuesday approved MKSK to help guide the city through the process of defining the future of FairOaks Mall and Donner Center.

The eight-member panel, which includes Mayor Jim Lienhoop and Columbus Regional Health CEO Jim Bickel, tapped the design firm to help the city test the feasibility of proposed ideas for the project.

MKSK will also conduct a market analysis of the property and engage with the community to help the city decide what kinds of facilities should be offered on the mall site and at Donner Center as part of the city’s efforts to turn the mall into a community wellness, recreation and sports tourism complex.

The FairOaks Community Development Corp. Design Committee is in talks with MKSK to iron out the details of a formal contract with the city, including the number of public focus group sessions, project schedule, scope of work, among other items, said Jeff Bergman, city/county planning director who serves on the design committee.

The design committee expects to wrap up contract talks by May 15. Bergman and Tom Brosey, a former Cummins Inc. executive the city hired as a consultant for the project, are representing the design committee in the contract talks.

“Having a product at the end of this that is based on public input and helps the whole community have a shared vision of what this place becomes I think will be really exciting,” Bergman said.

For more on this story, see Thursday’s Republic.