Around Town – March 17

Orchids to …

• those who are continuing to patronize local restaurants and thus supporting our friends and neighbors whose livelihoods are dependent on that.

• Brian Jasper for expressing how so many people feel about Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. asking for higher taxes, from someone who lives on a fixed income.

• Gary And Marilyn.

• Hoosier Hills Youth Marksmanship for showing leadership and guidance to youth.

• Everyone who is carrying on with daily life; don’t let anxiety get you down, keep fighting the good fight.

• all the businesses responding proactively and constructively with work from home and improved hygiene policies and practices which hopefully will become a part of our culture and will help us become a healthier society.

• Sheila at Lowe’s for her superior help for the old folks.

• Columbus athletic departments getting their funding for transportation, uniforms and other expenses from self-funded booster clubs.

• the young man at the JayC store in Edinburgh who paid for my groceries after I let him in front of me.

• the nurses and doctors at Columbus Regional Hospital, from Sharon Phillips.

• the nice lady in Walmart on Sunday who gave me her package of bath tissue because there wasn’t any left on the shelves.

Onions to …

• the person working at the pharmacy with the bad cough for not covering their mouth and then handing me a prescription.

• those who criticize the administration for not giving updates, but don’t realize that they have given updates daily.

• the people who want free schools and higher education when it’s obvious we can’t afford what we have so how can it be free.

• school corporation with almost half of students are on free or reduced lunches who want to suck more money from the community.

• the candidate for making the coronavirus a political issue at a time when we should be keeping this a common ground issue and an opportunity for bipartisanship.

• the onion writer who thinks judges give years; they take them instead.

• all those buying into the paranoia created by the irresponsible media and irrationally buying everything in the stores and depriving others especially the elderly, those with fixed incomes, and others of possibly vital products.

• the federal elected official and his many sycophants who put us in grave danger by wasting precious time by claiming for weeks what became the coronavirus pandemic was a “media hoax.”

• the federal elected official who has been in office three years and still does not accept responsibility for any of his failures and lies.

• the letter writer for praising a county official who can’t handle anything more legally complicated than unpaid rent.

• people who ignore Trump’s comments on saying that the coronavirus is a “Democratic hoax.”

• the foolish leader who is providing the opposite example of proper hygiene and behavior in this environment of virus threat because if we were all as careless and oblivious, we would have a real disaster on our hands.

• the federal elected official for taking credit for last Friday’s stock market bounce after a month of losses totaling 30% that he didn’t take responsibility for.

• the local company which underperforms the overall stock market yet charges its investors parasitic management fees.

• local law enforcement for giving tickets and sending teens to court over smoking when this county is overrun with people with warrants.

• the gun organization for not stepping forward to perform the expensive cleanup of lead contamination at the youth shooting range so they can continue to train responsible firearm ownership instead of turning Americans against each other with disturbing video ads.

• anyone who thinks a pay increase, at the expense of the taxpayers, will make a difference in the way teachers teach or our children learn.

• area fitness and health clubs remaining open despite knowing their environment is a petri dish for germs.

• everyone freaking out about the coronavirus and emptying store shelves of perishable items, which will expire before you can consume them.

• the administration for their totally negligent failure to provide adequate testing, thereby putting the whole population at risk.

• the person who wrote a letter to the editor against the referendum for using name-calling in a disrespectful fashion instead of using facts in a respectful fashion.

• the two churches who are ignoring CDC guidelines and not creating an alternate service so that people do not gather and spread the virus among themselves, therefore spreading it further into the community.

• the political party who wanted people in this country from other countries.

• the local corporation that sent 10,000 face masks to China instead of keeping them here in the United States for our medical health care workers.

Happy Birthday to …

• John Lewis, from your Columbus friends.

• Karen Streeval, from your family and Donna.

• Gammie, love Wyatt and Marika.

• Allen Heck from Alice, Sandy, Lisa, Brian and family

• Allen Heck from the Gates family and the Morrow family.

• Allie Bierlein, from all your friends.

• Allie Bierlein.

• Karissa Miller, happy sweet sixteen, from Mom and Dad.

• Jaime Brown on No. 10, from G.G.

ANOTHER beautiful morning