Around Town – June 15

Orchids to …

• Top Dog employees for their cheerful attitude and great service on Sunday.

• St. Peter’s Lutheran Church praise band, we’ve missed you and the awesome music!

• Cummins employees returning to offices, they and their remote/hybrid colleagues might consider living here too and biking to work.

• the secular Founding Fathers who never put “ In God We Trust” on our currency.

• the dozens of former swimmers of Coach Fribley who spoke words of appreciation at the reception for what difference he still makes in their lives.

• Chicago Pizza for its generosity, kindness, and service.

Onions to …

• not getting the vaccine because it can save your life and the life of your relatives, come on, COVID can kill you!

• the elected official and his spouse for refusing to wear a mask when requested at a local memorial service.

• the absolute total neglect of the Mill Race basketball courts.

• the individual who couldn’t keep his mouth shut while driving by as I putted at Par 3 and yelled “miniature golf!” and then said “aww” — please grow up.

• the federal elected official for wanting to make Palestine a state when Israel is our ally.

• sending the vice president to South America to convince leaders to discourage migration, which is like trying to fix a hole in a bike tire with a piece of bubblegum.

• to the factory that did not pay me my vacation pay when I took the day off on Memorial Day.

• those who kill city wildlife when they’ve done nothing wrong.

• the individual who stole two bikes from our backyard and our blue light out that was on because my daughter has autism, shame on you.

• the ex-federal elected official who said he trusted a foreign leader more than his own U.S. intelligence.

• the former federal elected official and his accomplices for actively promoting the destruction of the existing U.S. government.

• the political party that is desecrating democracy and American institutions.

• those continuing to complain about the past federal administration in effort to deflect criticism of the current incompetent federal administration.

• not understanding what kneeling during the national anthem means and thinking this nation “enables” athletes to make money when it is people buying tickets who pay their salaries.

• the driver who ran the stop sign to pass two cars that were in the process of turning left.

Happy Birthday to …

• Andrew Tarr, from your family and co-workers.

ANOTHER beautiful morning