Around Town – June 24

Orchids to…

Nichols Body Shop for saving me money by adjusting the regulator on my car window instead of replacing it with a new one.

neighbors who keep their dogs quiet.

Larry Jackson for speaking the truth in his letter.

the lady who bought my husband’s watermelon at Aldi’s.

Angottis for its quick reaction to a medical emergency and caring more about the customer than their bottom line.

Robbie Williams for finding my lost cell phone and returning it to me.

all health care workers who believe in science and have gotten their vaccinations and all teachers who believe history should be taught.

Larry Jackson for his spot-on letter.

Larry Jackson for his very true letter.

Colleen Coleman for taking the time to help clean my windows and screens on my home, from Marge Roseberry.

my family and friends for making my weekend wonderful, it was great to celebrate with all of you, from Pat Nicholson.

Larry Jackson for his letter.

Democrats for trying to preserve our democracy while Republicans continue to try to dismantle it.

those who understand we must teach truth about our history, the ugly, the indefensible and inspirational; as it is all part of our American story.

Onions to…

raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour when, based on inflation, it actually needs to be $24 an hour.

absolutely no speed enforcement on the North Marr Road.

the former federal elected official who can take credit for confusing those who refuse to vaccinate and get us out of this disaster he is largely responsible for.

local politicians who waste taxpayers’ time and money by visiting a farce of a recount, nothing at all to be gained by this visit.

the gas station that knowingly sells vaping supplies to minors.

people who say they want to ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory and then proceed to tells lies about what it actually teaches.

the mobile home park that raises lot rent yearly, yet doesn’t put that money towards the park.

party leaders for failing to see that when a candidate loses the popular vote by 7 million votes while in office, he will lose by a lot more when not in office.

the state representative who has no business going to Arizona to see how the twisted party can cheat on an election recount.

bad people.

the letter about vaccinations, everyone should get vaccinated.

the members of the political party who voted against voter protection law HR1.

the Jan. 6 terrorist attack that was as bad as anything we have seen in history.

helping Russia get their pipeline open but canceling ours, helping Latin American countries, Palestine, and getting all foreigners at the southern border in while putting Americans last.

the elected official for sticking his nose into another state’s election business and then having the nerve to call it a bipartisan effort when it clearly isn’t.

all those who cry conspiracy and insurrection but have no proof.

the high price of gasoline and food.

law enforcement who are unable to enforce speeding, light and stop sign runners, and u-turns.

the drive-in restaurant where you wait for 10 minutes before you can even get your order in.

the veterinary service charging me $20 for a burial box that I did not ask for when my dog had to be put to sleep.

Happy Birthday to…

Paula Pyles, from your family and retiree lunch bunch.

Hallie Hege, from your family and Donna.

JoAnn Blevins, from your family and Donna.

Ruth Hutt, from your Daughters of Isabella sisters.

Teresa Hensley, love Betty and Pete.

Jason Pike, from Mamaw McClintic, Mom, and the rest of your family.

Hayleigh Murray Smith on No. 18, from Mamaw and Papaw, Uncle, and family and friends.

Happy Anniversary to…

Carl and Annette Butler, from your family and Donna.

ANOTHER beautiful morning