Around Town – Jan. 27

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Orchids to

Jennings Church of Christ for the goodie box.

our wonderful, smart, hard-working, highly-educated teachers, doing everything they can to educate children and keep them safe.

the dangerous arrest involving drugs and guns for showing why gun registration should remain law.

Pharmacist Chris and staff at Walgreens for working so hard getting my daughter’s medicine straightened out.

Onions to

failing to see the mental health harm to students being forced to spend hours each day in a COVID hotbed.

incorrectly calling a semiautomatic rifle an “assault rifle” when no one labels a semiautomatic handgun an “assault handgun.”

any state that has a tip line to turn in teachers.

people with nothing better to do than be nosy when my family is trying to get by and stay healthy.

not realizing prices are mainly determined by supply and demand and not who is in political office.

the fuzzy math of getting taxpayer-funded government handouts and calling it financial improvement.

voting for a candidate who bragged about assaulting women, then criticizing his successor for an off-color remark.

complaining of being overworked, then sending workers home because there isn’t enough for them to do.

the rapidly accelerating decline of our country.

the administration destroying this country while worried about another country’s border.

criticizing calling a question stupid after the former guy ridiculed a handicapped reporter and called the press “enemy of the people.”

calling someone a stupid expletive and then claiming it was nothing personal, which reveals a person’s real character.

legislatures suppressing voters by reducing urban vote centers, restricting absentee vote options, and denying food and water.

the former local leader who needs to take a long winter’s nap and move on.

the schools for not continuing to take temperatures.

Happy Birthday to

Adam Carrigan, from friends at Bethel Baptist Church.

Richard Kellems, from your family and Donna.

Lexia Capes, from your family and Donna.

Nathan Cline, from your family and Donna.

Linda Diekhoff, from your friends and family.

ANOTHER beautiful morning

Around Town numbers: Orchids: 812-375-5280, Anniversaries: 812-375-5281, Birthdays: 812-375-5282 and Onions: 812-375-5283, email [email protected]. For next day publication of birthdays, anniversaries, Orchids and Onions, please call or email before noon. Onions are not published on Sundays or Mondays. First and last names must be used for birthdays and anniversaries. Funeral-related Orchids not accepted.