Around Town – March 2

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Orchids to

CRH IV Therapy crew for all the amazing work you all do, you take care of every patient with such kindness.

President Joe Biden for quietly assembling the largest alliance against evil in a generation without making it all about him.

President Trump who sent Javelin missiles to Ukraine vs. his predecessor who sent blankets when the Russians invaded Crimea in 2014.

the sidewalks and curbing on Taylor Road. Nice!

BCSC principals for going above and beyond every day to care for the students and families of our schools.

those who understand the difference between tyranny and public health measures.

Joey, a CRH nurse, for attending to my wife when you were a nursing assistant or a CNA; congratulations on passing the nursing exam.

the woman who paid for my breakfast at McDonald’s on Tuesday morning, thank you.

Charlie at Mill Race for changing my flat tire last week, from Pat.

Onions to

forgetting individuals are illegally crossing our southern border daily and the administration is encouraging this by eliminating policies that worked.

the architect that charged an exorbitant amount, but did not provide commensurate services as promised.

thinking the local, well-to-do politician made any sacrifice other than putting an oil business into bankruptcy and leaving taxpayers holding the bag.

the 6 a.m. train horn and the $35 million dollars of snake oil that was sold.

the committee for not removing the camper from the side yard in the neighborhood.

the former leader for trying to remove the U.S. from NATO and weakening our alliances with extortion.

thinking the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Russia is the same as the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan. Remember 9/11?

the round-a-bouts on Taylor Road. Not functional at all!

stating the former leader would not have stopped the invasion.

any American defending the Putin worship of the former leader.

the local company that supplied engines to the Russian military and is not complying with sanctions — putting profit over human lives.

the small town restaurant that offers a free side of sexual harassment with every order.

the federal elected official who did not sanction Russia to the max and refuses to restart oil well drilling on government property.

the new Green Deal.

Happy Birthday to

Mike Ebel, from your family and Donna.

Zaimeire Baihetiyaer, from your family, coworkers, Rebecca, Cara, Doug and Donna.

Shona Fisher, from your family and Donna.

Thamara Alba, from your family, Melanie, Sabrina and Donna.

Keith Patterson, from your wife with love, and many more birthdays.

Katea Ravega, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.

Arnold Greene, from all your Bartholomew and Jennings County friends.

Happy Anniversary to

Bob and Jeri Goecker on No. 36, from Tina, Kim, Tom, Max, and Chad.

ANOTHER beautiful morning

Around Town numbers: Orchids: 812-375-5280, Anniversaries: 812-375-5281, Birthdays: 812-375-5282 and Onions: 812-375-5283, email [email protected]. For next day publication of birthdays, anniversaries, Orchids and Onions, please call or email before noon. Onions are not published on Sundays or Mondays. First and last names must be used for birthdays and anniversaries. Funeral-related Orchids not accepted.