Around Town – March 12

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Orchids to

everyone at BCSC who has been extraordinarily kind to our new Afghan arrivals, with thanks from those helping them settle.

running a great political cartoon in Wednesday’s paper.

Connie Shafer for finding the correct spot for my paper on Rocky Ford Road. Much appreciated!

Rep. Pence for doing the right thing.

Rep. Pence for standing the ground.

Brenden Gilbert for the gorgeous picture in Friday’s paper.

the Ukrainian people in their fight for their country and their freedom.

Onions to

not understanding a property tax abatement does not decrease tax revenue, it merely phases in an increase.

accusing the current administration of not doing enough to help Ukraine, they were silent when the former leader withheld military arms from Ukraine.

those who think buying a $60,000 electric car we can’t remotely afford is the solution to saving $3,000 a year in gas bills.

the latest prognosis from the hospital on its west side cancer.

our former leader who apparently is unable to persuade his friend to stop the massacre in Ukraine.

forcing our country to absorb people from all over the world which we can’t afford, aren’t vetted, and will change our country forever.

the dangerous times we’re facing when the free world no longer has a leader.

company overlooking long-time, dedicated employees for raises and promotions.

the elementary school drop off and pick up line to park in but some drivers do not follow this procedure.

all those who want the economy to crash.

people ignoring the fact that the economy is going great.

working with foreign countries to buy more oil.

the representative who voted against humanitarian aid for Ukraine.

congressman for lack of support for the Ukrainians.

the representative who voted against humanitarian aid for the Ukrainian people.

people who say one thing and then doing something else.

the member of Congress who always has a lame excuse for not doing the right thing, it is time for a change!

the federal official for his paltry, broken-record excuses for not voting for Ukraine help and relief.

the federal official for not approving the spending plan keeping the government open and supporting Ukraine in this time of crisis.

our representative who asked us to pray for the Ukrainians being slaughtered by the Russians and then opposes a plan to provide humanitarian aid.

our representative who voted against aid to the Ukraine and embarrassed us once again.

the state representative who does not want to vote to provide aid for the Ukrainian people.

the representative who votes against veterans and the people of Ukraine, why is he in Congress if he does very little.

Happy Birthday to

Lingjie Zhao, from your family and Donna.

Carolyn Martin, from Donna, Pat and Chris.

Shoki Sato, from your family and Donna.

Kimberly Milligan, love your husband.

author Jack Kerouac on No. 100!

Sue, from Donnie Wayne, Junior, Jacob, Tiffany, Rodger Sr., Wilma, Rodger Jr., Dawn, family and friends.