Letter: With incomes, inflation rising, are we any better off?

From: William Gerhard


History is great teacher but seldom does humankind learn from it. Throughout history there have been a handful of well off in all societies and the remainder struggled to survive. Almost 100 years ago was the Great Depression. There were efforts to balance the economic scale of society. Only in the free world did we slowly evolve a middle class of common people.

We have had several generations of government intervention from the housing market with low-cost apartments to the point where now there is a program for almost every aspect of life, and we still have chronic poverty and a middle class of laborers that must work multiple jobs to support a household.

The real value of our money has disappeared. The dollar remained relatively constant in true value throughout the Depression and World War II. Then in the 1970s it was allowed to depreciate due to inflation. Incomes have increased and we believe we are wealthier until we realize that everything from food to housing also increased. The devalued dollar only helps those who are deep in debt, like the federal government. They pay off their indebtedness with money worth a

fraction of what it was when they barrowed it. Bank accounts increases but value decreases.

Wages and income, inflation and real value of our money, are like a dog chasing its tail. Due to the constantly rising cost of housing, utilities, food, or medical expenses, the government in its never-ending struggle to protect the poor and defenseless from the daily ravages of just living have given us programs from food stamps to Medicare.

We have succeeded in only making society dependent on one government program after another. It is as if the elected officials try to secure their elected office by making the public dependent on another dole-out of deflated dollars. It seems the government’s goal is MAP (make Americans poorer) and dependent.

As the programs advance more of the populous are included to a point that receiving a handout becomes a way of life and considered normal for all. The people become dependent on the generosity of the elected representatives controlling the giveaway programs. Like spoiled children, they elect those who will give them the most. Few realize that the money comes from taxing someone or it is borrowed and must be repaid by others.