North Christian prepares for final worship service on Saturday

Republic file photo The exterior of North Christian Church in Columbus.

COLUMBUS, Ind. — Even amid the death of North Christian Church’s role as a worship center, its passionate people and friends will celebrate life. Notices about Saturday’s 11 a.m. final service for the Disciples of Christ body of believers at 850 Tipton Lane even have referenced such an upbeat perspective.

And a closing note in the bulletin to be distributed at the fond farewell mentions the importance of carrying “the hope of the resurrection” into the future.

“It’s bittersweet,” said the Rev. Lanny Lawler, the church’s pastor from 2004 to 2015 and one of today’s scheduled speakers for the expected 90-minute service. “You have memories of a lot of good times, and memories of the overall legacy that the church has contributed. And that legacy continues.

“But it’s always sad when a congregation closes its visible ministry.”

Nance Aurand-Humpf, chair of the church’s board, acknowledged that emotions have been rather raw. She joined the 67-year-old church in 2002 when weekly worship attendance remained a fairly stable 115 people per Sunday.

“I think that we’ve all been grieving since February,” she said, referring to the time of the decision to disband after the congregation shrunk to fewer than 30 people. “But I think that we now have found our way to acceptance.”

For the complete story, see Saturday’s Republic.