Around Town – July 19

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

July 19

Orchids to

Theresa at Columbus Lung Institute for being so so kind and cheerful to patients, you make everyone feel so welcomed, from Lisa.

Pastor Teike on a inspirational sermon about how to dress as a Christian.

Marleeta at CVS West for always being so helpful and friendly, from a customer.

the armed hero at the Greenwood Park Mall that took care of a situation that could have been so much worse.

the armed citizen for stopping the active shooter and the Greenwood police chief for recognizing the 22-year-old as a hero.

BCSC custodians for all that you do for BCSC!

this Thursday’s hearing about the Jan. 6th assault on our nations Capitol, what happened, and did not happen.

the brave civilian who saved many lives while exercising his rights under the Second Amendment.

the Good Samaritan from Seymour.

Onions to

continuing mistruths and disinformation by the political party and cable news station.

not distinguishing between unappealing social media posts and posts encouraging mob rule to overturn election results.

the former guy who was willing to ship our local politician to Alaska to keep him from doing his duty.

the federal elected official for trying to act tough on Middle East terrorism, but allowing “get away” terrorists to pour in our southern border.

not understanding that being open and affirming can also mean condoning, which can have consequences.

thinking people drive drunk so people driving high will be fine too and it will be good for everyone.

the disappointing eating experience at the highly rated distillery.

the columnist who belittles all those working towards a more perfect union.

our federal elected official continuing to be an embarrassment with his ridiculous fist bump diplomacy.

for returning to paid parking downtown yet again.

paid parking, just one more reason to not shop downtown.

the federal elected official canceling energy independence and border security his first day in office.

the federal leader who travels the world begging for petroleum rather than easing up on regulations, drilling at home, and selling it worldwide again.

the second-hand store that has a very realistic looking toy gun in the toy aisle.

the series of unpopular decisions leading to the demise of the landmark church.

the minivan that never slowed down at 25th turning on to 31 South.

the driver smoking a cigarette while making deliveries.

Happy Birthday to

Abigail Sanders, from friends at Bethel Baptist Church.

Ryan Cline, from your family and Donna.

Mackenzie Applegate, from all your coworkers at Columbus Internal Medicine.

Joyce Willis, from husband Jim.