Airport splits fuel load due to inflation

Columbus Municipal Airport is using some creative problem-solving to address a need to obtain more fuel amid the strain of inflation.

Airport Director Brian Payne told aviation board commissioners that the airport is splitting the cost of a load of fuel with its fixed-base operator (FBO), Jet Access Columbus.

According to Airport Office Manager Regina Jessie, the airport has $32,000 left in its fuel budget; a full load would cost $36,000 to $38,000. The airport will take 6,500 gallons from the load it splits with Jet Access, and the fixed base operator will take 2,000 gallons.

The airport budgeted $140,000 for fuel in 2021 and later received approval for an additional appropriation of $60,000. Consequently, officials budgeted $200,000 in the category for both 2022 and 2023.

Payne said that the airport did so in the hope of not having to seek an additional appropriation again. However, the impact of inflation, along with municipal timelines, has put them in a difficult place.

“We have missed the window to ask for an additional appropriation as of right now,” said Payne. “So because of that, we’re going to split a load with Jet Access.”

This will allow the airport to stay within its budget and should last them through the rest of the year, he said.

In discussing financials, Payne also noted the airport sold about 3,900 gallons of self-fuel in September, compared to 4,900 for the same month last year. He indicated that this may be due to the price, which was $4.31 per gallon last year and is now about $5.90.

Another item that has seen significant inflation is weed killer, with airport officials saying the price has increased from $15 to $51 per gallon.

“That put a pretty good pinch on our 200 level budget,” said Payne. “So we’re really almost counting the pennies down in the 200 level. We still need to purchase salt. We still need to purchase chemical for the runway.”