ASAP taking applications for grant funding from state’s opioid settlement

Doug Leonard, director of Alliance for Substance Abuse Progress in Bartholomew County (ASAP), address members of the audience during the ASAP progress report at The Commons in Columbus, Ind., Monday, Aug. 26, 2019. Mike Wolanin | The Republic

COLUMBUS, Ind. — Alliance for Substance Abuse Progress (ASAP) officials are putting together a county-wide application for additional opioid settlement funds in what officials said could result in a significant expansion in recovery housing locally.

The effort comes after state officials announced that they would make an additional $25 million of Indiana’s share of nationwide opioid settlements available to local governments through a one-time matching grant.

The grant seeks to support recovery housing, evidence-based prevention, jail treatment, harm reduction, behavioral health in the workforce, enforcement and other community services and initiatives, state officials said.

Since state officials announced the grant opportunity, ASAP has been working with local organizations and officials to gauge their need for additional funding and is compiling requests into a county-wide application that ASAP will submit to the state, said ASAP Executive Director Sherri Jewett.

So far, the funding requests that ASAP has received would help add upwards of 75 recovery beds in Bartholomew County, Jewett said. There are currently about 120 recovery beds at various facilities across the county and demand far exceeds local capacity.


How to apply

Organizations in Bartholomew County that are interested in joining the countwide application for grant funding can visit the Alliance for Substance Abuse Progress’ website at for more information.

For more on this story, see Saturday’s Republic.