Preschoolers dress up like dentists to learn about dental health, and complete checkups on their dinosaur patients

Mike Wolanin | The Republic Mason Branum examines the teeth of his t-rex dental patient during a “Dress Like a Dentist” event at Busy Bees Academy in Columbus, Ind., Friday, Feb. 24, 2023. The Bartholomew County Health Department put on the event to promote good dental hygiene and what to expect during a dentist appointment.

COLUMBUS, Ind. — A group of preschoolers recently brushed up on the basics of dental care and check-ups thanks to a little help from the local tooth fairy and her dinosaur friends.

Bartholomew County Health Department Dental Coordinator Colleen Ferry Sullivan, aka “the Tooth Ferry,” visited Busy Bees Academy on Feb. 24 to teach students about dental hygiene with some memorable methods including checking stuffed dinosaurs for cavities and introducing the class to her colleague, a dinosaur puppet named Dr. Flossasauris.

After showing the students the short animated film, “Dudley Visits the Dentist,” Sullivan demonstrated how to dress like a dentist by helping one child put on a mask, gloves and dental gown.

“When you get your patients, be gentle,” Sullivan advised the class, as she helped 5-year-old Anna Ryshavy suit up. “They’re only 1-year-old dinosaurs. And today, you’re going to be Dr. Anna.”

The other students then donned their own dental apparel with help from Sullivan and other adults. Next, the newly-minted dentists used toothbrushes and dental instruments to inspect and clean the teeth of stuffed dinosaurs, with Sullivan and Dr. Flossasauris offering words of encouragement and advice.

Anna, for one, said she would like to be a dentist and had fun brushing her patient’s teeth and counting them.

“Your teeth are nice and shiny,” she told the dino, before reminding it to brush twice daily.

Once the check-ups were finished, Sullivan taught the students a song, reminding them to brush their teeth twice daily for two minutes each time and visit the dentist twice a year. Students also received a “Dinosaur Dentist Certificate” and dental bags.

Friday’s Busy Bees visit was just one of several “Dress Like a Dentist” events held by the county health department during February, which was National Children’s Dental Health Month. These events are also part of Indiana’s Give Kids A Smile activities and the county health department’s efforts to provide dental health education to children.

Sullivan estimated that she has taught about 500 children about dental care in February, including roughly 40 at Busy Bees.

“The main goal of this program is getting them comfortable with the dentist’s office,” she said.


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Mike Wolanin | The Republic
Mason Branum, left, and Connor Buchannan examine the teeth of their t-rex dental patients during a “Dress Like a Dentist” event at Busy Bees Academy in Columbus, Ind., Friday, Feb. 24, 2023. The Bartholomew County Health Department put on the event to promote good dental hygiene and what to expect during a dentist appointment.

For the complete story and more photos, see Thursday’s Republic.