Quick takes editorial: Helping kids head back to school

Photo provided Rachelle Grey holds newborn Raven Lily as Dante Grey holds big sister Luna, as the family recovers from the newborn’s surprise arrival on the way to Columbus Regional Hospital.

Photo provided Rachelle Grey holds newborn Raven Lily as Dante Grey holds big sister Luna, as the family recovers from the newborn’s surprise arrival on the way to Columbus Regional Hospital.

Students went back to school in the Columbus area on Thursday, and for those in financial need, our charitable community had their backs. And their backpacks.

As The Republic’s Jana Wiersema reported last week, the Bartholomew County School Supply Assistance Program (BCSSAP) provided backpacks filled with school supplies to students in households with financial need. At least 1,948 students registered for assistance.

The Columbus Firemen’s Cheer Fund, United Way, Lincoln-Central Neighborhood Family Center and other local groups help with the program that relies on donations from the community. And even though the backpacks are already given out for this school year, Lincoln-Central Neighborhood Family Center community outreach coordinator Diane Doup explained why now is an ideal time to donate.

“Our committee experienced a rather significant jump in our costs this year,” she told Wiersema. “We think we’ll be able to make our budget this year, but we are concerned going forward, especially because we try to buy a lot of supplies … once they hit the clearance racks after school starts. And so we are concerned whether or not we will have funds to be able to do that, which would definitely affect even next year.”

To donate, visit the United Way of Bartholomew County website. You can also purchase items from the Bartholomew County School Supply Assistance Program’s Amazon wish list.

Exhibit Columbus gets ready to rock

“Our effort and intent all along is to make this one of the best parties in the state.”

Richard McCoy, the executive director of the nonprofit Landmark Columbus Foundation, got our attention when he said that to The Republic’s Brian Blair about the kickoff of this year’s Exhibit Columbus “Public By Design” installments.

The party starts in about three weeks with a 450-seat, ticketed, awards-style gala at The Commons on Aug. 25, then a free outdoor street party called “Rock the Block” Aug. 26. Also that day will be a morning walking tour of the 13 temporary installations that interact, echo or enhance some element of well-known, nearby, existing architecture.

This biennial event has global interest in the design world, and it’s designed for everyone to enjoy through November. Find out more at exhibitcolumbus.org.

Talk about a special delivery

Little Raven Lily Grey just could not wait to enter this world, and she and her parents will always have a great story to share.

The parents, Dante and Rachelle Grey were en route July 27 from their home in Greensburg to Columbus Regional Hospital, where Rachelle was scheduled to be induced into labor. On the way over around Hartsville, though, the baby decided that wouldn’t be necessary.

“My heart was racing,” Dante recalled of having to help his wife give birth on the side of State Road 46. He called 911 at 3:37 a.m. July 27, but within 10 minutes, before EMTs could reach the couple, Raven had arrived. “This was a rush baby,” Dante said.

“Speaking from her hospital bed,” Webber wrote, “Rachelle said the moment she held her newborn daughter for the first time, the memory of her pain (from delivery) immediately faded away.”

Welcome to the world, Raven. You’ve already made news. And smiles.