Downtown roundabout to close Thursday

Photo provided The roundabout serving Lindsey Street will close Thursday for one day. In the aerial map, the red marks show where access will be closed.

The downtown roundabout that connects 11th Street, Brown Street, Lindsey Street and Indianapolis Road will be closed on Thursday.

According to city engineer Andrew Beckort, this is so that striping can occur, and the closure is only expected to last one day. Some of the area surrounding the roundabout will also be closed so that motorists do not enter the intersection by mistake.

The westbound lane of 11th Street will be closed at Jackson Street, Indianapolis Road will be closed just east of Carl Miske Drive, and the Brown Street entrance to the roundabout will be closed.

When asked about detours, Beckort said motorists can take Carl Miske Drive behind the Mill Race Center as an alternative route.

“You can get in off Carl Miske or Eighth Street to get to Mill Race Center or the park,” he added.

The work is one of a few different city overlay projects funded by a $927,807 Community Crossings Matching Grant from the state.

The grant program provides funding to cities, towns, and counties to make improvements to local roads and bridges. Counties and towns that are the size of Bartholomew County and Columbus or larger must match the grant on a 50-50 basis.

The Columbus Board of Works voted in June to approve a nearly $1.5 million contract with Dave O’Mara Contractors for the work.

Beckort said in a previous interview that the project included upgrading Old Indianapolis Road from the downtown roundabout to Paula Drive, just south of the U.S. 31 overpass.

Also, some of the funding went toward putting a new layer of asphalt on the roundabout and completing a full-depth reclamation and overlay of County Road 100N, just off Old Indianapolis Road at the city limits, for about four-tenths of a mile.