Athletes of the Week

Kyson Villarreal


Kyson Villarreal// Columbus East sophomore football player

Villarreal carried 22 times for 166 yards and two touchdowns and completed 6 of 13 passes for 127 yards and a score to lead the Olympians to a 49-27 win at Jennings County.

His performance last week: “I felt really good going into last week. We had a good plan coming in. We ran the ball and spread it out when we needed to. We got the things we needed to get done and performed in a pretty good way.”

Do you do anything special to prepare? “I just listen to music, take a nap for sure and just drink a lot of water and Gatorade.”

Favorite drink: “Cool Blue Gatorade”

Favorite food: “Pizza”

Favorite class: “Weights.”

Favorite sports team: “Oklahoma”

Favorite athlete: “Baker Mayfield.”

Role model: “My dad (Jimmy Villarreal).”

Best advice: “Keep working. My spot is never safe. I have to keep working out here every day and get better and work with the guys to get us all better.”

Athletics goal: “I want to go play college football somewhere. A free education is a free education.”

If you could travel anywhere: “Oklahoma, to play football. That’s my dream school.”


Avery Baker // Columbus North freshman soccer player

Avery Baker

Baker scored three goals and assisted on the other two to lead the Bull Dogs to a 5-0 win against Southport. She also helped North to a 1-0 win against Greenfield-Central on Saturday.

Her performance last week: “I feel like I’ve been playing really hard and just trying to do my best and help support the team, and even when I don’t have a good game, just helping with other things besides scoring.”

Do you do anything special to prepare? “Something that pumps me up really well is dancing and singing to pump-up songs in the locker room.”

Favorite drink: “Blue Gatorade”

Favorite food: “Cheese pizza”

Favorite class: “History.”

Favorite sports team: “I like watching IU football and IU soccer”

Favorite athlete: “(US Women’s National Team player) Sophia Smith.”

Role model: “My mom (Kelly Baker). She teaches me a lot of stuff, and I really look up to her.”

Best advice: “Always keep your head up.”

Athletics goal: “I really want to play soccer in college.”

If you could travel anywhere: “Paris, because I really want to see the Eiffel Tower.”