Roof replacement at The Crump to begin

File photo | The Republic A portion of The Crump Theatre’s interior will be part of the Open Door Tour Saturday.

The Crump Theatre is getting a new roof, with work beginning Tuesday and stretching through about Nov. 1 at an estimated cost of just under $50,000.

A single private donation is expected to cover that expense, according to Jessica Schnepp, Crump project manager. Some of the materials need may be donated, which will lower the cost of the shingles and rolled rubber roofing, she said.

Two separate firms — Richardson Renovations of Bloomington and Robertson Construction Inc. of Nashville, Indiana — are doing the work. The last new roofing was completed in 1996, according to the venue’s records.

Schnepp said the work is substantially more challenging than most commercial roofing because of the ages of the various sections of the structure and the steep pitch in several areas.

“It’s almost like taking on three buildings together,” she said.

But she mentioned that this week’s expected clear skies and warmer temperatures are ideal for the project.

“We essentially want to take advantage of the beautiful weather forecasted,” Schnepp said.

Part of the work will include installing a ridge vent that will allow hot air to escape from the top portion of the building.

“It allows the building to breathe, actually,” Schnepp said.

She mentioned that other work such as restoring the heating and cooling via repairing duct work continues on the inside of the venue since it recently reopened after being closed for years. Organizers are hoping that heat can be restored within a couple weeks.

Plus, the Crump is entering something of a new phase: needing volunteers to work events rather than with physical work inside the current 358-seat layout. Schnepp said that includes ticket booth workers, concession stand workers, marketers, and more. This weekend’s events — the Who’s Hoo Country Music Awards Pre-Party and Saturday’s 8 p.m. concert by the Graveyard Stompers — are scheduled to go on as planned since work will not be done Friday evening or on Saturday and Sunday.

She hopes to soon have an online sign-up for those tasks for each event. But for now, she said that people can email her at [email protected] or text her at 812-350-6447.

To volunteer at The Crump

Email Jessica Schnepp at [email protected] or text her at 812-350-6447.