Ryan Trares: Inspiration from BOO! Cat


Writing this column has become one of the highlights of my week.

I love sharing my life — mostly the exploits of my son — with readers. Readers have followed along with us as we’ve gone through swimming lessons, coaching soccer, school drop-off line conversations and favorite songs.

They’ve been with us through the loss of loved ones, and through all kinds of milestones in the life of a young boy.

And I appreciate how much people have responded to our stories. More than anything I’ve ever written for the Daily Journal, I hear from readers, how our activities remind them of raising their own children.

So it really is an honor to get to do this.

But every now and then, I find myself at a loss of what to write next. The inspiration well runs dry.

This was one of those weeks. For the life of me, I could not think of what to write. We’re on vacation this week (don’t worry, I’ll fill you all in with next Saturday’s column), so I had to get everything turned in well in advance.

No matter what idea popped into my head, each one seemed a little thin.

Luckily, Anthony had my back.

He’s been working every day on multi-sentence stories with a plot and a resolution. It’s been a lot of fun to see what springs from his active imagination, as well as how his grammar and spelling improves week after week.

So with a modest case of writer’s block, he offered one of his school writings, complete with illustrations. Considering I think it’s better than anything I’ve ever written, I hope you enjoy it too.

May I present to you … “The Halloween BOO! Cat.”

“The Halloween BOO! Cat will spook you with his teeth and tickle you with his tail and surprise you with a big big MEOW!

He will go back in the cave up in the hill and eat fish from a river. Next Halloween it will have candy corn and everyone knows sugar is the best wepon (sic).

Halloweens went by. Soon, he ate every last piece of sugar in the WHOLE WORLD!

He used his ears to hear everything his nose to smell everything and his mouth to eat everything!

He was super Halloween Cat! He was a super hero!”

Ryan Trares is a senior reporter and columnist for the Daily Journal in Franklin. Send comments to [email protected].