IDEM issues permit for continued monitoring of abandoned industrial liquid waste landfill

While a hazardous liquid waste landfill stopped accepting materials for disposal nearly 50 years ago, barrels of waste remain buried today at the Rockcreek Township site.

This week, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Hazardous Waste Permit Section issued a draft decision for a renewal of a hazardous waste Post-Closure permit for the former Industrial Liquid Waste Landfill (ILWL) site, 3415 S. County Road 650E.

Post-closure refers to requirements placed upon disposal facilities after the facility has been abandoned in order to ensure environmental safety for at least a 30-year period or until the site becomes stabilized. Post-Closure permits are issued if hazardous waste was left in place after the disposal facility abandoned the site.

Opened in 1973, ILWL operated east of County Road 650E near Burnsville. According to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, the company operated both a water processing plant and landfill on property owned by the family of the late Columbus Mayor Robert N. Stewart. Prior to running for office, Stewart was vice-president of Meshberger Stone Co., which operates a quarry adjacent to ILWL.

The company estimated they buried between 150 to 350 barrels of unknown chemical waste at ILWL during their first year of operation, according to newspaper accounts. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reported the plant received 134 loads of liquid waste for disposal during May 1977. That included 33 loads of cutting oil, 33 loads of sludge, 16 loads of chrome and nine loads of waste acid.

Public opposition emerged that same year after air samples conducted at Rockcreek Elementary School were reported to be 500 to 1,000 times lower that OSHA standards. The low concentration levels of organics were also found at ILWL. The opposition was covered by statewide media and the Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. filed a nuisance suit against ILWL.

While EPA testing conducted in May 1977 indicated the plant did not violate air pollution health standards. the facility stopped operations permanently as part of a settlement with the Bartholomew County Board of Zoning. In 1981, ILWL was bought by Marion County investors and moved to Indianapolis.

The site is just a short distance north of Little Sand Creek. At the turn of the century, concern was voiced that the buried chemicals could pose a threat to nearby ground and surface water, according to news accounts. As of 2001, the site was owned by Heritage Environmental Services, which provided the post closure care activities.

In 2001, a statistically significant increase of chloride and the presence of 1.1-dichloroethane was detected by Heritage personnel. It is a colorless, oily liquid with a sweet odor that evaporates at room temperature and burns easily. It had once been utilized as a surgical anesthetic. Today, the liquid is used primarily to make other chemicals, dissolve substances like paint, varnish and finishes and to remove grease.

In 2014, IDEM received it’s first hazardous waste post-closure permit renewal for a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act post-closure permit to continue to maintain and monitor the property.

Where to learn more

On January 10, 2024, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Hazardous Waste Permit Section issued a draft decision for a renewal of a hazardous waste Post-Closure permit for the Industrial Liquid Waste Landfill at 3415 S 650 East.

The draft decision proposes to allow the closed facility to renew a permit for an existing facility. IDEM has started a 45-day public comment period.

To view the notice, visit If you have questions regarding this decision ,contact:

Paula Bansch, IDEM, OLQ

100 North Senate Ave., IGCN 1154

Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251

Phone 800-451-6027 or dial directly at 317-232-3243

Emails can be sent to [email protected]

On January 10, 2024, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Hazardous Waste Permit Section issued a draft decision for a renewal of a hazardous waste Post-Closure permit for the Industrial Liquid Waste Landfill at 3415 S 650 East.

The draft decision proposes to allow the closed facility to renew a permit for an existing facility. IDEM has started a 45-day public comment period.

To view the notice, visit If you have questions regarding this decision ,contact:

Paula Bansch, IDEM, OLQ

100 North Senate Ave., IGCN 1154

Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251

Phone 800-451-6027 or dial directly at 317-232-3243

Emails can be sent to [email protected]