Ivy Tech – Columbus updates enrollment numbers

Mike Wolanin | The Republic A view of the Ivy Tech Community College logo on the outside of Ivy Tech Columbus’s new campus building Moravec Hall in Columbus, Ind., Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022. The building is named after local philanthropist and business owner Tony Moravec.

Ivy Tech – Columbus campus Board of Trustees met on Tuesday ahead of the fall semester, and reports revealed that enrollment numbers for the summer are up.

The current summer enrollment head count is up by 28.6% compared to the head count at the end of term last summer.

“We’re off to a really good start this academic year,” said Randy Proffitt, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Services, to the board.

Although the fall enrollment head count has yet to reach the end of term number from last fall, enrollment is anticipated to exceed the 2,734 end of term mark from last year.

“It will be very, very busy over the course of the next month,” said Proffitt. The end of July into August is when Ivy Tech expects an influx of students to enroll, and comparing the current numbers to this time last year shows a promising trend for the school.

“We feel good about where we are,” said Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Jennifer Englert-Copeland during the meeting.

Englert-Copeland said the school is doing a lot of outreach work, as an effort to retain students from summer to fall, as well as ensure enrollment reaches the goals.

The board also discussed that the search committee for a Ivy Tech new president will be assembled by the end of this month, and announced in August. This is following the announcement from current president, Sue Ellspermann, that she is retiring at the end of her current contract in June 2025.

Current information about the search can be found at ivytech.edu/president-search, and the page will be updated as developments take place.