Tracy Souza: Focus on the future has always driven charitable mission

Tracy Souza

Indiana community foundation leaders will gather this month to share information, challenges and successes. Each of the state’s 92 counties is covered by a community foundation. It is a remarkable network of charitable organizations that exist only for the long-term benefit of their communities.

I am always proud to be representing Bartholomew County at these meetings. It is generally accepted that no two community foundations are alike. We all do similar things like raise money, provide scholarships and make grants to local nonprofit organizations. But Heritage Fund’s Board of Directors consistently has pushed beyond those traditional programs and encouraged us to take leaderships positions and tackle issues such as diversity; preserving our architectural legacy; revitalizing the downtown; and early learning.

My colleagues often ask how Heritage Fund “gets by taking positions on community issues” without turning off potential donors. The answer I give is that solving problems is part of the DNA of Bartholomew County and therefore part of the job of the community foundation, and it has been since our founding.

“As early as 1968, community leaders were discussing the possibility of establishing a community foundation for Bartholomew County,” according to a history of Heritage Fund’s first 25 years.

Several well-known community leaders kept the discussion alive and in September 1976, someone suggested connecting the community foundation discussion with the American Bicentennial celebration. That connection was the necessary spark, and by the end of the year our formal articles of incorporation were filed.

Lowell Engelking, the first board chair, pointed out that, “Bartholomew County has been favored with outstanding leadership and a citizenry deeply interested in the betterment of its community.” He went on to say, “This interest and leadership continues today and is something that we must not allow to be lost.”

Mr. Engelking hit the mark with his observation about leadership, and it is important that we not lose that part of what makes us special. Frankly, I enjoy sharing my work with colleagues and talking about the can-do attitude of this county as we face the inevitable challenges of a community that embraces the future!

Tracy Souza is president and CEO of Heritage Fund – The Community Foundation of Bartholomew County. Contact the fund at 812-376-7772 to learn more about how they can help you do “Your Philanthropy. Your Way.” Send comments to [email protected].