Jennings County to kick off United Way campaign

NORTH VERNON — The Jennings County United Way is launching its annual fund-raising campaign with a free lunch and open house Tuesday, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the United Way Center, 707 N. State St., North Vernon.

“All are invited,” said Steve Graham, who is campaign co-chair with Beth Burnett. “We encourage everyone who can to attend or at least donate or make a pledge to our campaign.

“Those who contribute will double their impact since a matching grant will match their gift dollar for dollar.”

Those planning to attend the lunch are asked to make a reservation by calling the United Way at 812-346-5257.

Many employers in the area, including outside the county, offer payroll deduction plans whereby employees contribute to the Jennings County campaign in effectively simple fashion. Individuals can also make pledges with recurring contributions via credit and debit cards.

“From strengthening resilience to advancing health, youth opportunity and financial security, we’re working towards a future where everyone can reach their full potential,” Graham noted. “Statistics from the research organization ALICE show that 38 percent of Jennings County families struggle to make ends meet despite working hard. Living paycheck to paycheck literally one flat tire away from disaster is a harsh reality for many. We are rallying the community to help people make ends meet today and build stronger financial security for the future whether it’s financial empowerment opportunities or access to food and shelter.”

The pledges and donations, as well as the grant dollars, will fund the VITA free income tax preparation and filing by the Jennings County United Way as well as the “Get Ahead” workshops and financial security programs offered at the local center. The campaign also helps fund a wide variety of agencies and activities throughout Jennings County such as youth athletics, Jennings County Senior Center, Wayside Inn Homeless Shelter, Good Samaritan Food Pantry, Big Brothers Big Sisters and more.

“At the event, we will also celebrate our Pacesetters, those firms that run their United Way drives early and individuals who pledge early to jump start our United Way campaign,” Graham said. “We appreciated them so much, and so does the community.”

Meanwhile, volunteers are needed to assist with the annual campaign.

“Our United Way campaign is powered by people who step up to help raise the dollars that support programs and agencies making a hug difference in our community,” Graham added. “We need help in other ways too. We need volunteers for everything from stuffing envelopes, dropping off materials and making phone calls to those serving as campaign division chairs and account manager, not to mention asking their family, friends and neighbors to make a pledge to the United Way.”

To volunteer or for more information on the campaign and how to help, contact the Jennings County United Way, telephone 812-346-5257, website