It’s time again to support ‘Love Where You Live’

Tracy Souza

It is, once again, time to Love Where You Live!

Since 2015, Heritage Fund has created an annual opportunity to reflect on and celebrate why we love our community.

In addition to being a chance to demonstrate some creativity and have some fun, Love Where You Live raises money that helps address gaps, challenges and opportunities across our county. All donations go directly to the Community Fund for responsive grantmaking, and this year each dollar donated is matched with $2, thanks to Lilly Endowment Inc.

Each contribution, no matter the size, to our Love Where You Live campaign supports Heritage Fund and our work to build a better Bartholomew County.

Love Where You Live actually started under a program of Heritage Fund called Engage Columbus. That outreach program sought to help connect and engage people with the multitude of things to do in our community. Sadly, Engage Columbus ended, but the spark it created for Love Where You Live, originally a six-week social media challenge to find and explore new places in Columbus, has remained.

Each year, Heritage Fund offers artists an opportunity to reflect on what they love about the community and to create a design that reflects those feelings. The designs have highlighted architecture, community and the mix of urban and rural life in the county. The thought behind each design makes the collection special.

This year is the sixth cycle of Love Where You Live and the largest outreach and celebration Heritage Fund has orchestrated to date. It seemed appropriate that as Heritage Fund approaches its 50th anniversary we let the community know how much we Love Where We Live. Our first Love Where You Live event this month provided an afternoon and evening of activities for children, adults and families to come downtown, learn more about Heritage Fund, enjoy being part of a special community and, yes, … loving where they live.

For more information about Love Where You Live and our Community Fund, visit

Tracy Souza is president and CEO of Heritage Fund – The Community Foundation of Bartholomew County. Call 812-376-7772 to learn more about how we can help you do Your Philanthropy. Your Way. Send comments to [email protected].