
Terry Mattingly: The difference between ‘good men’ and ‘real men’


The 18-foot granite Titanic Memorial in Washington, D.C., shows a robed man rising from the waves, his arms extended like a cross.

Religion news – March 16


Services and studies

Terry Mattingly: Evangelicals’ and Catholics’ shared tensions on immigration


Year after year, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees includes a Vatican sermon with the pope quoting the words of Jesus, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me,” or similar messages from Scripture.

Faith Ministries launches mentoring program that listens to young men


The speakers at an upcoming workshop for male teens will be the attending young people themselves. Pastor Jarvis Cooper never has been comfortable with adults or groups telling teens what they need — especially when he firmly believes young people can clearly make known their desires.

What is Ramadan and how do Muslims observe the Islamic holy month?


CAIRO — Observant Muslims the world over are united in a ritual of daily fasting from dawn to sunset after the Islamic holy month of Ramadan started March 9. For Muslims, it’s a time of increased worship, charity and good deeds. Socially, it often brings families and friends together in festive gatherings around meals to break their fast. Ramadan is followed by the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Fitr, translated as “the festival of breaking the fast”.

Religion news – March 9


Services and studies

Making a positive difference: Lemonade Bros earn award named for retired pastor


The Lemonade Bros’ signature success continues to get sweeter and sweeter.

Terry Mattingly: Are attacks on churches brand-new or just old news?


Security cameras at St. Columba Catholic Church in Brooklyn showed five people, in the dead of night, trying to force their way inside.

Voucher expansion leads to more students in religious schools


The Miami Archdiocese’s superintendent of schools says Catholic education is increasingly in demand in South Florida, now that all K-12 students regardless of income are allowed to use taxpayer-funded programs to pay for private school tuition.

Christian reasoning in Alabama IVF court opinion sparks alarm


When the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are considered children under state law, its chief justice had a higher authority in mind.