Looking Back

Looking Back – September 8

2006 The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight in Washington, D.C., which tracked home-appreciation values in 275 cities across the U.S., reported...

Looking Back – September 7

2006 A crowd of about 100 older people who had recently completed a $3.6 million fund drive told Senior Center Services of Bartholomew County board...

Looking Back – September 6

2006 One of the four ambulances Columbus Regional Hospital dedicated to 911 emergency calls was moved to Jonesville Fire Department to provide...

Looking Back – September 5

2006 Columbus resident Chad Storm parlayed his card game alchemy skills into the first world championship of the Fullmetal Alchemist trading card...

Looking Back – September 4

2006 Another rash of thefts from unlocked vehicles struck in Bartholomew County when at least 20 vehicles in the Mineral Springs subdivision...

Looking Back – September 3

2006 Thieves stole purses, wallets and other valuables from more than 20 vehicles, most of them unlocked, on the city’s north side. 1991 Bartholomew County Health Department...

Looking Back – September 2

2006 Freedom Field all-inclusive playground at Parkside Elementary School opened to unanimous “kid approval.” 1991 Schmitt Elementary School PTO began a campaign to collect 1 million pennies...

Looking Back – September 1

2006 Pop-rock legend Chubby Checker wowed the crowd at the 20th annual Hospice of South Central Indiana concert at Mill Race Park. ...

Looking Back – August 31

2006 United Way of Bartholomew County kicked off its “Kickin’ It Up a Notch” capital campaign for $3.5 million with a picnic...

Looking Back – August 30

2006 After the fourth hit with a bulldozer’s claw, stubborn blacktop gave way and ground was broken for the $8 million, 85-room Hotel Indigo in...