Looking Back

Looking Back – March 30

2006 Louisiana-based PHI Air Medical announced the medical helicopter stationed at Columbus Regional Hospital for almost two years would be transferred to...

Looking Back – March 29

2006 Columbus Bar, a fixture in downtown Columbus for 65 years, was sold to two Columbus men, Doug Memering and Jon Myers...

Looking Back – March 26

2006 Four inches of snow turned the first few days of spring into a winter wonderland that melted by mid-afternoon thanks to...

Looking Back – March 25

2006 Damage to Columbus Regional Hospital’s helicopter elevated a vandalism spree from mischief to a safety concern when the craft’s windshield was...

Looking Back – March 24

2006 The total of windows broken by vandals around Columbus over the weekend climbed to more than 50, causing an estimated $15,000...

Looking Back – March 23

2006 Police suspected pellet-gun-wielding juveniles on spring break were responsible for 10 broken windows reported throughout Columbus over the weekend. ...

Looking Back – March 22

2006 Columbus City Council gave preliminary approval to a request by the Police Athletic Activities League to rezone 8.5 acres south of...

Looking Back – March 21

2006 Laura Heckroth of Columbus North was named The Republic’s 2005-06 All-Area Girls Swimmer for the second year in a row. Matt...

Looking Back – March 20

2006 The first day of spring in the area was overshadowed by National Weather Service predictions of rain, sleet and 2 to...

Looking Back – March 19

2006 The Hauser Jets basketball team beat Shakamak High School 53-41 in the Southport Semistate and clinched a trip to Conseco Fieldhouse...