Local Features

Around Town – February 1

Orchids to … • Tropical Smoothie for the fantastic office breakfast that I won this morning, from Cathy Kelley. •...

What’s Your Workout

Briefly describe your daily/weekly workout routine. With my trainer, I do circuit training. So that’s treadmill/cardio work along with weights and body...

Religion news

Services and studies Grace Lutheran — The Rev. John Armstrong will deliver the message, “Mismatch! Christ and the Demonic Powers,” based on...

Still waiting for the balloon man

Publishers Clearing House is dead to me. Recently I received an envelope in the mail, containing materials necessary for me to enter...

Around Town – January 31

Orchids to … • those who focus on good times of loved ones instead of the negative. • Shirley Holmes...

Looking Back – January 31

Arou nd Columbus Jan. 31 News around Columbus and the surrounding area as reported on or about this...

Salvation Army fundraiser set at Bob Evans

Salvation Army sets event at Bob Evans You can take your sweetie out to eat Valentine’s Day weekend — and show you...

Time spent with Mom awakens daughter to power of prayer

After my first column last November, many of you wrote, called or stopped me while I was out and said, “Write more — we...

Around Town – January 30

• 1615 • Thomas Rolfe, the only child of John Rolfe and his wife, Rebecca (the former Pocahontas), was born in Jamestown...

Around Town – January 30

Orchids to … • Dave Pogue for his spot-on letter, echoing the opinions of many others. • any Democrat filing...