Local Features

Take Your Best Shot: David Borcherding


David Borcherding captured this photo of a blue-footed booby in the Galapagos Islands on June 1. Its feet were such a vivid blue!

Take Your Best Shot: Mike Goodart


Mike Goodart took this shot of an American Dagger moth caterpillar on his garage door on Aug. 8.

Take Your Best Shot: Greg Willmore


Greg Willmore took this photo while visiting the Menominee Marina in Menominee, Michigan, over the Labor Day weekend.

First Presbyterian to mark end of bicentennial with new book and Donner Park event...


A Columbus church on a downtown street corner long ago decided to change its corner of the world with God’s love.

Take Your Best Shot: Karen Porter


Karen Porter took this close up picture of these flowers at a local retailer in Columbus just before Mother’s Day.

Lori Borgman: Fort Knox has nothing on us


I am married to Mr. Security. We have an entire plastic tub full of timers. The lights in our house never burn brighter than when we are not home.

Viewpoint bestsellers


* Local or Indiana connection or author

Accident victim-turned-attorney to celebrate book signing and speaking event


It seems so very much like Cameron Fathauer to turn the anniversary of a near-death experience into a celebration of literally writing a new chapter in his life.

Take Your Best Shot: Brad Gonsalves


Brad Gonsalves took this photo of bikes as unusual flower boxes, while in Montenegro in southeastern Europe in May 2023.

Take Your Best Shot: Lillie Wells


Lillie Wells took this picture of hay bale season!